Tuesday, 7 February 2017

पुलिस, प्रशासनिक व बोर्ड अधिकारीयों द्वारा निजी लाभ के लिए संस्थाओं को जांच, अवमानना का धौंस !!

The Honorable Chief Minister, Bihar
The Honorable Prime Minister, Hindustan
Date:-07 February 2017
Subject:-Regarding necessitating cabinet approval for any administrative and departmental diktat with a view to extort money.  
The administrative officers are already getting high salary but they are said to be saying that to retain plum and strategic posting they require huge amount of money. The administrative officers keep squatting on the grievances and suggestions of the people and victims which the administrative officers pick up occasionally to extort huge amount of money tactically by issuing diktat regarding inspection, implementation, non-compliance and others subsequently withdrawing the diktats after being personally and financially satisfied. Such freewheeling diktat has become the tools of administrative officers and departments to extort money from anyone or any institution.
It may be recalled that soon after the formation of coalition government in Bihar in 2015, there were extensive and rack less raids on medicine dealers to unearth bungling and adulteration which abruptly ceased as if the entire medical dealings were purified in Bihar. The medicine racket is still rampant on record on large scale.
Recently the education department, Bihar issued the diktat that above one thousand schools in Patna shall be closed for non-compliance of Right to Education but the schools and associations are busy collecting money to roll back the diktat instead of preparing the error-free implementation of RTE further. Gradually the administrative officers are soft on its diktat to shut above one thousand schools dramatically buckling under the pressure of school association in Bihar.
Same way the CBSE officers issued diktat to frame guidelines for the appointment of principals in schools to filter rowdy and undeserving elements from becoming principals of school, the maker of the generation but the CBSE rolled back its order supposedly after being personally and financially satisfied to shut its mouth. The story of the CBSE is such that its regional head attended the cold and hot drinks and cozy hospitality at a function organized by school in Patna on 5-2-2017 privately. This proves that CBSE can never take any actions against such defaulting schools.
I, therefore, appeal you to necessitate the cabinet approval before the issue of such diktat by administrative officers publicly with a view to extort money from the defaulters. I also appeal you ensure the monitoring and logical compliance of such diktat against anybody and institutions.
I attach one picture of education department official in Bihar and Regional head of CBSE.          
Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma
PADMA AWARD NOMINEE (Social Work Category)
Journalist (Daily Hindi Print Media)
Secretary Cum Media in Charge (Journalists Union of Bihar)
Consultant (Online Multi-Complaint)
Activist (Right to Information)
Activist (Human Rights)
Social Reformer
R/o-Patrakar Sadan, Pahalwan Ghat,
P.S-Buddha Colony,Patna, Bihar-800001 (India)
AADHAAR No-338811430082
PMO, India 7-2-2017 Complaint Number- PMOPG/E/2017/00779224

CM, Biahr  7-2-2017 Complaint Number- GOVBH/E/2017/002258

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