Friday, 22 September 2017

पुलिस न्यायालय का सृज़न !

The Honorable Prime Minister, Hindustan
The Honorable Chief Minister, Bihar
Date:-22 September 2017
Subject:-Regarding the creation of POLICE COURT
In your regime of last about fifteen years, the role of police and law enforcement has surprisingly and logically increased forcing the people to be legally speaking and law abiding. The role of police has been so convincing that people primarily opt and approach the channel (police hierarchy) to place their grievances in case they have problems with the lawful actions and investigation by IOs. The interaction and friendly rapport of public with the police has been so immense that the public have also learned and developed the skill of reasoning and investigation of some cases to maximum extent and all this has become more practical and possible in the age of digitization but there are some police officers (Inquiry Officer) who are fanatically freewheeling and working contrary to even primary police manual and investigation pattern unnecessarily burdening the judiciary, embracing the senior officers and violating the rights of people to fair investigation and justice.
I, therefore, appeal you to ensure the creation of POLICE COURT chaired by senior or retired IPS officers allowing the accused and the well-wishers of the accused to present their grievances against the brazen freewheeling and brazenly derailed investigation.

Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma
PADMA AWARD NOMINEE (Social Work Category)
Journalist (Daily Print Media)
Secretary cum media in Charge (Indian Federation of Working Journalists)
Advisor (honorary and temporary) to the honorable Chief Minister, Bihar
Activist (Right to Information)
Activist (Human Rights)
Social Reformer
R/o-Patrakar Sadan, Pahalwan Ghat,
East of Dujra Water Pump,
P.S-Buddha Colony, Patna, Bihar-800001 (India)
AADHAAR No-338811430082
CPGRAMS 22-09-2017 Complaint Number- GOVBH/E/2017/022822

PMO 22-09-2017 Complaint Number- PMOPG/E/2017/05212077 

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