Friday, 22 January 2016

बिहार में भू-माफिया की धमक विदेशों तक !!

The Honorable Prime Minister, Hindustan
The honorable President, India
Date:-22 January 2016
Subject:-Regarding the deployment of army to clear the land and house grab from the land-mafia in Bihar under the pretext of forged and fabricated title
The king and the subjects including victims and perpetrators are unreasonably and genetically related which thwarts the prevalence of law and order in Bihar especially in the case of land and house related issues. Such rapports between king and subjects including victims and perpetrators paralyze the law enforcement to act legally and humanly instantly despite the admission of truthfulness of victims in land and house issues.
You visit many countries and proudly present the copies of holiest epic “GEETAH” to the Presidents and Premiers of almost all the countries but the indigenous institution ISKCON engaged in spreading the exclusive message of GEETAH across the world is a victim of land-mafia due to the rapports between king and the subjects including victims and perpetrators.
ISKCON at Buddha Marg, Patna Bihar has its own land sold by state government itself but due the rapports between king and the subjects including victims and perpetrators, the strategic part of the ISKCON land is in the capture of land-mafia but the laws and law enforcement has been paying the heavy price for the maintenance of rapports between king and the subjects including victims and perpetrators instead of acting swiftly.
There is another such high-profile case registered with PMO vide Complaint Number- PMOPG/E/2015/0189137 and PMOPG/E/2016/0009593 of forged and fabricated land and house titles which is paying the heavy price for the maintenance of rapports between king and the subjects including victims and perpetrators.
I, therefore, appeal you to either seek the lawful and time-bond disposal of the cases or ensure the deployment of army to recapture the land for the victims and save us from the global humiliation for being inefficient to protect sermonizers of GEETAH.        

Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma
Journalist (Daily Hindi Print Media)
Executive Member (Journalists Union of Bihar)
Activist (Right to Information)
Activist (Human Rights)
R/o-Patrakar Sadan, Pahalwan Ghat,
P.S-Buddha Colony, Patna-800001
AADHAAR Number-338811430082
PMO 22-1-16 Complaint Number- PMOPG/E/2016/0023535 

President 22-1-16 Complaint Number- PRSEC/E/2016/00975

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