Sunday, 27 September 2015

न्यायालय, पटना में न्यायिक संकट !!

The Honorable Chief Justice, Patna High Court, Patna
Date:-29 August 2015
Subject:-Regarding vacant courts in Patna Civil Courts, Patna
His honor Sir,
With due respect I wish to state that there are great voices in our country stressing the need of delivery of speedy justice to the people, on the other hand, maximum courts in Civil Court, Patna are vacant due to mass and supposedly imbalanced transfer leading to virtual judicial bankruptcy.
The courts are vacant in Patna civil court has become a slogan of lawyers and client for last few months.
I, therefore, courteously appeal you to ensure the availability of all the aspects related to supposed mass and imbalanced transfer leading to crisis and do the needful to restore normalcy.

Copy to honorable Chief Justice, India, honorable District Judge, Patna and other honorable recipients concerned.

Highest Regards
Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma
Journalist (Daily Print Media)
Executive Member (Journalists Union of Bihar)
Consultant (Online Multi Complaint)
Director (Political Coaching Institute)
Vice-President (Mahatma Buddha Vichar Dal)
Activist (Right to Information)
Activist (Human Rights Protection Foundation)
Social Worker
Padma Bhushan Award Nominee
R/o-Patrakar Sadan, Pahalwan Ghat,
P.S-Buddha Colony, Patna-800001
AADHAAR Number-338811430082
PMO 29-8-2015 Complaint Number-PMOPG/E/2015/00779456

DARPG 29-8-15 Complaint Number-DEPOJ/E/2015/01


नौकरी नहीं देना संविधान और देशद्रोह !!

सेवा में,
माननीय प्रधान मंत्री, हिंदुस्तान ।
माननीय मुख्यमंत्री, बिहार, दिल्ली ।
दिनांक:-19 फ़रवरी 2015
विषय:-सभी को कम से कम वेतन पर और संविदा पर नौकरी देने की अनिवार्यता के सम्बन्ध में ।
निवेदनपूर्वक कहना है कि हमारे अनुभवी और सचेत संविधान ने देश के प्रत्येक नागरिक को कुछ मौलिक अधिकार प्रदान किये हैं लेकिन उस मौलिक अधिकार की प्राप्ति का रास्ता (आर्थिक आवश्यकताएं) कुछ सरकारें बंद कर रखती है जो मौलिक अधिकार के हनन के साथ-साथ संविधान की भी अवहेलना और अपमान हैं । कुछ सरकारें सर्वमान्य संविधान द्वारा प्रदत् मौलिक अधिकार का सम्मान करती है और मौलिक अधिकार के क्रियान्वन के लिए कम से कम बेरोजगारी भत्ता जैसी सुविधा प्रदान करती है तो कुछ सरकारें कम वेतन देकर लोगों को संविदा पर बहाल करती है और मौलिक अधिकार और संविधान का आंशिक रूप से सम्मान करती है । लेकिन हमारे राज्य और देश में मौलिक अधिकार देश की बहुत छोटी आबादी को हीं प्राप्त है जिसका साफ़ मतलब है कि देश में मौलिक अधिकारों का हनन और बेरोजगार-भटके हुए युवाओं द्वारा देशद्रोही, अराजक और आपराधिक घटनाओं के लिए केवल वे लोग दोषी नहीं हैं बल्कि देश और संविधान की सुरक्षा में लगी राज्य और देश की सरकारें हीं मुख्य रूप से दोषी है । देश के नागरिकों को मौलिक अधिकार और उसकी पूर्ति के उपायों से वंचित करना केवल देश के संविधान का अवहेलना और अपमान करना हीं नहीं बल्कि देश को चालाकी या अग्यानता पुर्वक गर्त में धकेलने की साजिश और अपराध भी है । सरकारों को ऐसी साजिश और अपराध से बचना चाहिए और अपना भले के साथ देश के नागरिकों की भी चिंता करनी चाहिए ।
अतः श्रीमान् से प्रार्थना है कि देश के हर नागरिक को कम से कम वेतन पर और संविदा पर भी नौकरी दें ताकि देश की जड़ें सकारात्मक रूप से मजबूत हो सकें और दुनिया में देश की सशक्त पहचान बना सकें ।   
प्रतिलिपि प्रेषित:-सभी गणमान्य प्राप्तकर्तागण ।
ह०/-प्रभाष चन्द्र शर्मा
पत्रकार (हिंदी दैनिक अखबार)
सचीव (जर्नलिस्ट्स यूनियन ऑफ बिहार)
सलाहकार (ऑनलाइन सर्व शिकायत)
निदेशक (राजनीतिक कोचिंग संस्थान)
कार्यकर्ता (बिहार राज्य सुचना का अधिकार मंच)
कार्यकर्ता (बिहार मानवाधिकार संरक्षण प्रतिष्ठान)
समाज सुधारक
पता:-पत्रकार सदन, पहलवान घाट, पटना-800001, बिहार (भारत)
आधार कार्ड संख्या:-338811430082
DARPG 19-2-15 Complaint Number-DARPG/E/2015/01906
President 19-2-15 Complaint Number-PRSEC/E/2015/01648
CM, Delhi 19-2-15 Complaint Number-GNCTD/E/2015/00926
CM, Bihar 19-2-15 Complaint Number-99999-1902150112

Friday, 25 September 2015

उच्चतम न्यायालय भी न्याय के लिए चिंतित !!!

The Honorable Prime Minister, Hindustan
Date:-25 September 2015
Subject:-Regarding helplessness of Supreme Court of the land
It must be a black day and harbinger of doomsday for the country when the top judiciary has repeatedly been regretting his helplessness to protect the higher judiciary in state. It must be enough for the nation and its people to understand the myth that there is a rule of laws in the country. If the repeated remarks of the honorable Chief Justice, India are understood by mass only once, there would be total chaos in the country and it would not be dissimilar to the chaotic countries in Middle East and eastern countries.
I, therefore, appeal you to constitute one “Rapid Enforcement Force” to immediately implement the order and directions of the Supreme Court at least. I have already written you on your portal dated 28-01-2015 at 10:18 am and to the MHA vide- Complaint Number-MINHA/E/2015/00169 dated 20-1-15 to constitute a RAPID ENFORCEMENT FORCE to implement honorable Supreme Court order.
Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma
Journalist (Daily Print Media)
Executive Member (Journalists Union of Bihar)
Consultant (Online Multi-Complaint)
National Vice-President (Mahatma Buddha Vichar Dal)
Activist (Right to Information)
Activist (Human Rights Protection Foundation)
Social Reformer
R/o-Patrakar Sadan, Pahalwan Ghat,
P.S-Buddha Colony, Patna-800001, Bihar (India)
AADHAAR Number-338811430082
PMO 25-9-1025 Complaint Number-PMOPG/E/2015/01111007

Thursday, 24 September 2015

प्रदुषण मुक्त वाहन के सुझाव के बाद संसद तक पहुंचा वाहन !!!!

राज्यसभा, लोकसभा और विधान सभाएं बने प्रदुषणमुक्त !!!
The Honorable Prime Minister, Hindustan
The Honorable President, India
Date 24 September 2015
Subject: - Regarding replacement of petroleum-run transport by e-rickshaw in Loksabha, Rajyasabha and other assemblies across the nation.
The government is the veteran lawyer to advocate for pollution free India and world as the rapidly growing pollution has been paralyzing the normal lives of the human being across the globe but the government fails to take the remarkable cognizance of the pollution in its own periphery.
The government must make its institutions exclusively Loksabha, Rajyasabha, President Secretariat and house and assemblies and their peripheries across the nation by replacing petroleum-run transport by e-rickshaw to cut pollution remarkably and become the source of inspiration for other countries, institutions and individuals to replace petroleum-run transport by e-rickshaw maximally.
The government must also ensure the availability of e-rickshaw to like-minded people conveniently.
I, therefore, appeal you to take this advice on priority basis and implement it shortly.
Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma
Journalist (Daily print Media)
Executive Member (Journalists Union of Bihar)
National Vice-President (Mahatma Buddha Vichar Dal)
Consultant (Online Multi Complaint)
Activist (Right to Information)
Activist (Human Rights Protection Foundation)
Social Reformer
R/o-Patrakar Sadan, Pahalawan Ghat,
P.S-Buddha Colony, Patna-800001
AADHAAR Number- 338811430082    
PMO 24-9-15 Complaint Number-PMOPG/E/2015/01110078
President, India 24-9-15 Complaint Number-PRSEC/E/2015/099098

पानी और बिजली बर्बाद करने जैसे आपराध कानून का आगाज़ !

The Honorable Prime Minister, Hindustan
The Honorable President, India
The Honorable Chief Minister(s), India
Date:-24 September 2015
Subject:-Regarding the introduction of strict laws and its implementation against water and power wastage
The time is not very far when we shall be slave or helplessly dependent on others for even minimum usable water and power if the wealthy, careless and institutions don’t stop wasting water and power immediately. The wealthy, careless and institution are major destroyers of water and power as they hardly lacks money. In the absence of strict laws and its implementation the wealthy justifies wasting water and powers as they foolishly claim to pay for water and power. The institution indulges in wasting water and power relating water and power to the exchequer of the government. The careless do so because there is no penalty and authentic prohibition.
The scene of water and power wastage can be easily seen in public place and institutions and houses where water is much less payable.
I, therefore, appeal you to introduce stricter and cognizable laws and its implementation to save us from anticipated slavery.
Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma
Journalist (Daily print Media)
Executive Member (Journalists Union of Bihar)
National Vice-President (Mahatma Buddha Vichar Dal)
Consultant (Online Multi Complaint)
Activist (Right to Information)
Activist (Human Rights Protection Foundation)
Social Reformer
R/o-Patrakar Sadan, Pahalawan Ghat,
P.S-Buddha Colony, Patna-800001
AADHAAR Number- 338811430082
PMO 24-9-15 Complaint Number-PMOPG/E/2015/011110063
President 24-9-15 Complaint Number-PRSEC/E/2015/0999097

Sunday, 13 September 2015

युपी सरकार के शरणार्थी अखिलेश यादव (मुख्यमंत्री) के जातीय और अराजक रोजगार नियोजन पर लगाम !!!

The Honorable Prime Minister, Hindustan.
The Honorable Governor, Uttar Pradesh.
Date:-29 August 2015
Subject:-Regarding public CBI inquiry into mass administrative bungling in selection for all jobs in UP government.
There is no freedom to any state in India to freewheel in any matter be it law and order, finance and recruitment but UP government appears to be crossing all the moral and constitutional limits especially in terms of recruitment by offering job to selective and home community. The UP government pretends to be appearing smarter than the provisions of the rich constitution by premeditating, manipulating and influencing the fair recruitment process. The UP government is maliciously increasing the number of administrative personnel of home community to predictably highjack the state administration during adverse political scenario similar to the pattern of minority community increasing population ignoring the national resources and interest to overpower the province and administration to establish their rule wherever and whatever way possible.
I, therefore, appeal you to order CBI inquiry into home community recruitment scam in UP involving both the failed candidate in various employment examinations and public and also retesting the recruited as done in Bihar (post recruitment eligibility test) and save the Uttar Pradesh, part of India against inevitable anarchism.

I attach the unconfirmed report yet apparently substantial.

Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma
Journalist (Daily Print Media)
Executive Member (Journalists Union of Bihar)
Consultant (Online Multi-Complaint)
Director (Political Coaching Institute)
Vice-President (Mahatma Buddha Vichar Dal)
Activist (Right to Information)
Activist (Human Rights Protection Foundation)
Social Reformer
Padma Award nominee (2015)
Padma Award Applicant (2016)
R/o-Patrakar Sadan, Pahalwan Ghat,
P.S-Buddha Colony, Patna-800001
AADHAAR Number-338811430082

PMO 29-8-15 Complaint Number-PMOPG/E/2015/0079216

Friday, 11 September 2015

पार्कों में अश्लीलता पर नियंत्रण !!

The Chief Minister, Bihar
The Honorable Prime Minister, India
The Honorable Dalai Lama, World Spiritual Leader.
Date:-11 September 2015
Subject:-Regarding merger of cozy places with common places in parks and other public places.
The culture and religion is the father of our holy constitution which is being raped and maltreated blatantly in the state capital Patna and on the land of Buddha, Mahavira and many great pioneering scholars under the patronization of the people in state government.
The personal interest and liking of the people in the state government has made all the public places exclusively parks very embarrassing and offending to all those who are cultured and understanding the meaning of personal and public relationship including the family members of the people in government.
There are places and parks across the country for love-birds but they are better wherever they are exclusive for love-birds. 
If there are exclusive parks and places for love-birds in the state capital, Patna no intellectual would have any objection and they would preferably visit the parks meant for non love-birds and vice-versa.
The Buddhism is also being raped and ill-exploited by the state sponsored salacity in parks as the Buddha Smriti Park, a place for meditation is also teem with love-birds indulging in salacity and obnoxious acts .
Our culture morally bans even married couple to indulge in sex and hanky-panky in public places as such activity is considered to be pious to be performed piously not like dogs and bitches on the road and public places.
The people in government sometimes comes with remarks that there is no salacity and obnoxious acts in the parks and other such public places but it doesn’t guarantee full-proof decency by ensuring the installation of CCTV camera facing cozy places in parks to screen salacity of love-birds.
By allowing such salacity and sale of liquor anytime-anywhere, the people in government have made Bihar, the land of thinkers and scholars a worse place than a brothel where sex, salacity and liquor is limitedly characteristic. 
The people in government seem to be bankrupt about defining freedom of love, sex and salacity which has denigrated the morality and legitimacy of the government in state. 
All is not my personal opinion and reaction, even honorable judiciary has hit hard on the love-birds for their obnoxious and suspicious acts in public.
The people in government have never thought of collecting opinions of respected and cultured people of the state to ban or allow salacity and obnoxious acts in parks and public.
Since the matter is not confined to state, I therefore, appeal you all to ensure the merger of cozy places in parks with common places within parks, installation of CCTV cameras in and around the parks and conduct of a vote of opinion of the cultured people and intellectuals and total ban on salacity and obnoxious acts in parks and other such places.
Copy to other honorable recipients;
Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma
National Vice-President (Mahatma Buddha Vichar Dal)
Journalist (Daily Print Media)
Executive Member (Journalists Union of Bihar)
Consultant (Online Multi-Complaint)
Director (Political Coaching Institute)
Activist (Right to Information)
Activist (Human Rights Protection Foundation)
Social Reformer
R/o-Patrakar sadan, Pahalwan Ghat,
P.S-Buddha Colony, Patna-800001 Bihar (India)
AADHAAR Number-338811430082
CM, Bihar 11-9-15 BPGRS Complaint N0-99999-1109150106
PMO 11-9-15 Complaint Number-PMOPG/E/2015/00293682
DARPG 11-9-15 Complaint Number-DARPG/E/2015/212003

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

मेरी लगातार मांग के बाद बोधगया और गया के बीच शुरू होगी मेट्रो रेल !!

The honorable Prime Minister, Hindustan
Date:-09 September 2015
Subject:-Regarding the introduction of link-railway, cable-car or mono-rail between Gaya and Bodhgaya via international Vishnupad Temple at Gaya.
I have been the ardent follower of Buddhist for over a decade visiting Root Institute at Bodhgaya, Bihar for meditation retreat frequently. My and other visitors’ experience of journey between Gaya and Bodhgaya has been very harrowing as the way is very stinking, polluted, bumpy and packed all the time which tires and kills the enthusiasm of the visitors to Bodhgaya and Vishnupad Temple. The journey between Gaya Railway Junction and Bodhgaya is hardly 10 minutes long but it takes not less than an hour.
The way between Gaya junction and international Vishnupad Temple is also extremely narrow which causes ordeal to visitors of Vishunpad Temple.
I, therefore, appeal you introduce either link-railway or cable-car or mono-rail between Gaya and Bodhgaya via international Vishnupad temple in view of the inconveniences caused to the visitors of Bodhgaya and Vishnupad Temple ahead of your dream project to make Bodhgaya a spiritual capital.
Copy to other honorable recipients concerned;
Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma
Journalist (Daily Print Media)
Executive Member (Journalists Union of Bihar)
Consultant (Online Multi-Complaint)
Director (Political Coaching Institute)
National Vice-President (Mahatma Buddha Vichar Manch)
Activist (Right to Information)
Activist (Human Rights Protection Foundation)
Social Reformer
R/o-Patrakar Sadan, Pahalwan Ghat,
P.S-Buddha Colony, Patna-800001 Bihar (India)
AADHAAR Number: - 338811430082
PMO 9-9-15 Complaint Number-PMOPG/E/2015/00091522
DARPG 9-9-15 Complaint Number-DARPG/E/2015/111880
CM, Bihar 9-9-15 BPGRS Complaint Number-99999-0909150116
PMO 20-8-2016 Complaint Number- PMOPG/E/2016/00303019
DARPG 20-8-2016 Complaint Number- MORLY/E/2016/116307


The Honorable Speaker, Loksabha, India
The Honorable Chief Election Commission, India
The National President, Bhartiya Janta Party
Date:-09 September 2015
Subject:-Regarding disqualification of Patna Saheb MP Shatrughan Sinha on moral and constitutional grounds for anti-party perpetrations.
I, the voters of Patna Saheb am shocked and ashamed that our long time MP Mr. Shatrughan Sinha from BJP has publically & brazenly been indulging in anti electoral, anti-constitutional and  anti-party activities violating all the commitments and accountability to voters, party (BJP) and the constitution.
The misdeed of an MP, Mr Shatrughan Sinha has been and shall be damaging the interest and constitutional rights of the voters to be represented and redressed in the national assembly in an expected and committed ways, electoral rights to be carried out and party obligation and commitment to the voters for the tenure.
It may be recalled that Mr. Sinha has been doing the rounds of the party which itself had recommended the disqualification of dozen of its MLAs in State Assembly last year for alleged anti-party activities.
Since the MP, Mr. Shatrughan Sinha  is dating with the ruling party in state he is sure to ignore the representation of his constituency as it is governed by the opposition of the Bhartiya Janta Party.
I, therefore, appeal you to ensure immediate disqualification of Patna Saheb MP, Mr. Shatrughan Sinha keeping the constitutional rights of the voters to be represented and redressed, electoral rights and objectives of the people and the rights of the political party and its members to remain committed in accordance with the ethics.
Copy to other honorable recipients concerned

Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma
Journalist (Daily Print Media)
Executive Member (Journalists Union of Bihar)
Consultant (Online Multi-Complaint)
Director (Political Coaching Institute)
National Vice-President (Mahatma Buddha Vichar Manch)
Activist (Right to Information)
Activist (Human Rights Protection Foundation)
Social Reformer
R/o-Patrakar sadan, Pahalwan Ghat,
P.S-Buddha Colony, Patna-800001 Bihar (India)
AADHAAR Number:- 338811430082

PMO 9-9-15 Complaint Number-PMOPG/E/2015/00291412

DARPG 9-9-15 Complaint Number-DARPG/E/2015/211866

Sunday, 6 September 2015

किरायेदारों का अत्याचार !!!

The Honorable Chief Minister, Bihar
Date:-03 September 2015
Subject:-Regarding growing trend of land-grab, shop-grab and house-grab under the shadow of tenancy and strongman-ship due to absence of speedy justice
Rent is the main source livelihood of lakhs of elderly and jobless but the infancy of the government in evolving the method to quickly get back the rented property to the owners has forced many undisputed property owner to beg from lower to higher ranking officers.
There are hundred cases where the elderly, jobless and law abiding people have rented their property on non-judicial stamp agreement for certain period of years but after the expiry of rented period the owners have got to wander from office to office in quest of justice yet all in vain.
The matter in court lingers inconclusively for decade which murders all human, fundamental, legal, old-age, women’s and various rights of the property owners. The land, house and shop grabbers are over sure of injustice to the owner in court so they instantly drags the matter in court in view of the ensuing expiry of rental agreement of the land, house and shop.
The police department on record says NO to property matter. The SDO is the moon of EID to solve such matters timely and effectively relieving the property owners.
The victims of such matter must be advised to rethink of paying tax in the form of non-judicial stamps and cost of registration of agreement as the owners have got to spend unnecessary and extra buck to get justice possibly with the help of anti-social elements or otherwise.
It appears that such property owners are left with no options but to approach the anti-social elements to get justice timely until the court cases trials are speedy or special police cell is created or the tribunal is formed to dispose off such cases in no time.
I, therefore, appeal you to ensure the formation of a tribunal, special police cell and alike to get speedy justice to the property owners especially in case of expiry of the rent agreement to safeguard various rights of the elderly, jobless, women and others.
Copy to all other honorable recipients concerned
Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma
Journalist (Daily Print Media)
Executive Members (Journalists Union of Bihar)
Consultant (Online Multi-Complaint)
Vice-President (Mahatma Buddha Vichaar Dal)
Director (Political Coaching Institute)
Activist (Right to Information)
Activist (Human Rights Protection Foundation)
Social Reformer
R/o-Patrakar sadan, Pahalwan Ghat,
P.S-Buddha Colony, Patna-800001 Bihar (India)

AADHAAR Number:- 338811430082

Inclusion of other castes into Schedule Caste

The Chief Minister, Bihar
The Home Minister, India
Date:-06 September 2015
Subject:-Regarding inclusion of two castes namely बढ़ई (Carpenter) and KAHAAR in to Schedule caste or revocation/rejection of SC status to NISHAAD
Two castes namely बढ़ई (Carpenter) and KAHAAR are less in number, poorer in economy and lower in social status in comparison to NISHAAD caste but they have not been even considered or included in Schedule caste but NISHAAD caste has been included in Schedule caste after large scale violence by NISHAAD caste on 04 September 2015 in Patna which manifests the bankruptcy and inefficiency of the regional dispensation and also the legalization of violence even for unreasonable demands as NISHAAD caste has been included in Schedule caste on 05 of September 2015 a day after the large scale violence by NISHAAD community.
it must be considered a conspiracy of the regional government to incite the NISHAAD caste to dramatically opt for large scale violence to pave the way for the conspiring government to publically succumb to their demand of inclusion in Schedule caste just in view of the larger population of the caste benefiting in upcoming election.
I, therefore, appeal you to revoke the decision and reject the recommendation to include NISHAAD caste into Schedule caste before taking the two castes बढ़ई (Carpenter) and KAHAAR into consideration for inclusion in Schedule caste based on the available population, economic and social status data with the government.
Copy to;
1.      Honorable Prime Minister
2.      Honorable President, India
3.      Honorable Chief Justice, India
Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma
Padma Bhushan Award Nominee
Journalist (Daily Print Media)
Executive Member (Journalists Union of Bihar)
Consultant (Online Multi-Complaint)
Director (Political Coaching Institute)
Vice-President (Mahatma Buddha Vichar Dal)
Activist (Right to Information)
Activist (Human Rights Protection Foundation)
Social Reformer
R/o-Patrakar sadan, Pahalwan Ghat,
P.S-Buddha Colony, Patna-800001 Bihar (India)
AADHAAR Number-338811430082

President, India 6-9-15 Complaint Number-PRSEC/E/2015/208404
PMO 6-9-15 Complaint Number-PMOPG/E/2015/20088213
CM, Bihar 6-9-15 BPGRS Complaint Number-99999-0609150111
DARPG 6-9-15 Complaint Number-MINHA/E/2015/202675