Thursday, 24 September 2015

प्रदुषण मुक्त वाहन के सुझाव के बाद संसद तक पहुंचा वाहन !!!!

राज्यसभा, लोकसभा और विधान सभाएं बने प्रदुषणमुक्त !!!
The Honorable Prime Minister, Hindustan
The Honorable President, India
Date 24 September 2015
Subject: - Regarding replacement of petroleum-run transport by e-rickshaw in Loksabha, Rajyasabha and other assemblies across the nation.
The government is the veteran lawyer to advocate for pollution free India and world as the rapidly growing pollution has been paralyzing the normal lives of the human being across the globe but the government fails to take the remarkable cognizance of the pollution in its own periphery.
The government must make its institutions exclusively Loksabha, Rajyasabha, President Secretariat and house and assemblies and their peripheries across the nation by replacing petroleum-run transport by e-rickshaw to cut pollution remarkably and become the source of inspiration for other countries, institutions and individuals to replace petroleum-run transport by e-rickshaw maximally.
The government must also ensure the availability of e-rickshaw to like-minded people conveniently.
I, therefore, appeal you to take this advice on priority basis and implement it shortly.
Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma
Journalist (Daily print Media)
Executive Member (Journalists Union of Bihar)
National Vice-President (Mahatma Buddha Vichar Dal)
Consultant (Online Multi Complaint)
Activist (Right to Information)
Activist (Human Rights Protection Foundation)
Social Reformer
R/o-Patrakar Sadan, Pahalawan Ghat,
P.S-Buddha Colony, Patna-800001
AADHAAR Number- 338811430082    
PMO 24-9-15 Complaint Number-PMOPG/E/2015/01110078
President, India 24-9-15 Complaint Number-PRSEC/E/2015/099098

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