Sunday, 6 September 2015

Inclusion of other castes into Schedule Caste

The Chief Minister, Bihar
The Home Minister, India
Date:-06 September 2015
Subject:-Regarding inclusion of two castes namely बढ़ई (Carpenter) and KAHAAR in to Schedule caste or revocation/rejection of SC status to NISHAAD
Two castes namely बढ़ई (Carpenter) and KAHAAR are less in number, poorer in economy and lower in social status in comparison to NISHAAD caste but they have not been even considered or included in Schedule caste but NISHAAD caste has been included in Schedule caste after large scale violence by NISHAAD caste on 04 September 2015 in Patna which manifests the bankruptcy and inefficiency of the regional dispensation and also the legalization of violence even for unreasonable demands as NISHAAD caste has been included in Schedule caste on 05 of September 2015 a day after the large scale violence by NISHAAD community.
it must be considered a conspiracy of the regional government to incite the NISHAAD caste to dramatically opt for large scale violence to pave the way for the conspiring government to publically succumb to their demand of inclusion in Schedule caste just in view of the larger population of the caste benefiting in upcoming election.
I, therefore, appeal you to revoke the decision and reject the recommendation to include NISHAAD caste into Schedule caste before taking the two castes बढ़ई (Carpenter) and KAHAAR into consideration for inclusion in Schedule caste based on the available population, economic and social status data with the government.
Copy to;
1.      Honorable Prime Minister
2.      Honorable President, India
3.      Honorable Chief Justice, India
Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma
Padma Bhushan Award Nominee
Journalist (Daily Print Media)
Executive Member (Journalists Union of Bihar)
Consultant (Online Multi-Complaint)
Director (Political Coaching Institute)
Vice-President (Mahatma Buddha Vichar Dal)
Activist (Right to Information)
Activist (Human Rights Protection Foundation)
Social Reformer
R/o-Patrakar sadan, Pahalwan Ghat,
P.S-Buddha Colony, Patna-800001 Bihar (India)
AADHAAR Number-338811430082

President, India 6-9-15 Complaint Number-PRSEC/E/2015/208404
PMO 6-9-15 Complaint Number-PMOPG/E/2015/20088213
CM, Bihar 6-9-15 BPGRS Complaint Number-99999-0609150111
DARPG 6-9-15 Complaint Number-MINHA/E/2015/202675

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