Friday, 25 March 2016

उकसाने के लिए अधिक कड़े सजा का प्रावधान !!

The Honorable Chief Minister, Bihar
The Honorable Prime Minister, Hindustan
Date:-25 March 2016
Subject:-Regarding the creation of a legal provision to punish the guilty extremely for provocation leading to lawlessness and tragedy.
Provocations leading to lawlessness and tragedy appear to be the heinous most crime cum culture in our country but backward Bihar seems to be the largest victim of provocations.
There is no area where provocation is exceptions, be it individual, mohallas, police, administration, media, politics and others.
The worst affected communities and individual is illiterate, literate, less educated and legally unaware people.
Mostly upper caste, wealthy, powerful and influential (criminal) people are common to provoke the vulnerable through various tempting including alcoholic stuffs, monetary gains or coercive means to commit frivolous to heinous offences against the rivals and weaker individual or community for exploitation as need be, political mileage is no exceptions.
Police and administration use the means of provocation to dilute the legal and hierarchical pressure to act lawfully.
Being an RTI activist and social reformer I have been facing the community, police and administrative implications of provocation leading to the proliferation of lawlessness in state.
The creative and constructive personalities like you have always been encountering the menace of provocations in society and politics resulting in humiliations.
Presently the laws for provocation is not concrete and frightening, hence the provocation has become the systematically prevalent to run the society, police and administration and even politics.
There are cases of provocations nationally leading to communal and regional riots shaming the nations and state with remarks of being immature and law-less.  
After liquor ban in Bihar, the harsher laws against provocation shall be another bonanza for weaker section and law-abiding people and another feather in the cap of exceptionally developing government in Bihar.
I, therefore, appeal you to ensure the making of provocative elements more vulnerable (with compulsory Narco Test, Lie Detecting Test, Polygraphic Test) to harsher police-administrative and legal actions followed by survey and investigations if needed.
Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma
PADMA AWARD NOMINEE (Social Work Category)
Journalist (Daily Hindi Print Media)
Executive Member (journalists Union of Bihar)
Activist (Right to information)
Activist (Human Rights)
Social Reformer
R/o-Patrakar sadan, Pahalwan Ghat,
P.S-Buddha Colony, Patna-800001
AADHAAR Number-338811430082
CM, Bihar 25-3-16 BPGRS Complaint Number- 99999-2503160108
PMO 25-3-16 Complaint Number- PMOPG/E/2016/0096658

DARPG 25-3-16 Complaint Number- DARPG/E/2016/04933

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