Sunday, 15 November 2015

लाइ-डिटेक्टिंग को अनिवार्य करने के सम्बन्ध में !!

The Honorable President, India
The honorable Chief Justice, India
The Honorable chief Minister, Bihar
The Honorable Prime Minister, Hindustan
The Honorable Minister, Home Affairs, India
Date:-15 November 2015
Subject:-Regarding necessitating LIE-DETECTING, POLYGRAPHIC TEST and NARCO TEST on payment to prove innocence
As an existing social being and a social reformer, I am the eye and soul witness of many false court and police cases where the accused-victims keep crying foul, swearing by their loved ones and willing to pay anything to prove their innocence timely before the authorities from top to bottom but all in vain. The institution, the court of justice, where little is heard is always late and costs the prestige, money, career and life of the innocent.
The pseudo-complainant never accepts nor offers any scientific method to prove truthful to the manipulated accusations but the victims of pseudo-accusations are always ready to undergo any scientific test to prove their innocence risking the reputation, money, career and life which is ignored insensitively, tactically, racially, regionally, bureaucratically, socially or illegally.
The theme of our justice system is to free hundred criminals to save single innocent but it applies only on VVIP and not on cattle class de facto.
Our country doesn’t rule out the fact that the lives of innocent are destroyed through immatured, unfair and delayed justice.
I, therefore, appeal you to ensure necessitating the scientific test including LIE-DETECTING, POLYGRAPHIC or NARCO TEST at least on the request and demand of pseudo-accusations victims against the payment incurred on such test.
Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma
Journalist (Daily Print Media)
Executive Member (Journalists Union of Bihar)
Activist (Right to Information)
Activist (Human Rights Protection Foundation)
Social Reformer
R/o-Patrakar Sadan, Pahalwan Ghat,
P.S-Buddha Colony, Patna-800001
AADHAAR Number-338811430082  
DARPG 15-11-15 Complaint Number-MINHA/E/2015/033544
President 15-11-15 Complaint Number-PRSEC/E/2015/110802
PMO 15-11-15 Complaint Number-PMOPG/E/2015/01153659

CM, Bihar 15-11-15 BPGRS Complaint Number-99999-1511150111

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