Friday, 13 February 2015

Academic Pimps @ Admission Consultant

The District Magistrate, Patna
Date:-13 February 2015
Subject:-Regarding regulating mushrooming number of admission consultant in Patna, Bihar
Many 10+2 students are promised false high-profile facilities including required approval to the engineering, medical and management school and colleges outside states by admission consultant but almost all proved fiasco once students get trapped in the net of consultant representing the college and university. Patna, Bihar is like a cattle fair for admission consultant and students between February and August. Many consultants disappear and run away with the hard-earned money and opportune career of the students and parents and many forced the students in dilemmatic situations after admission outside Bihar. I have one student who was arranged the admission in a college but sooner it was known that the college does not have permanent faculties and only temporary arrangements of teachers were made. When he requested for the withdrawal of admission the college simply replied that no money shall be refunded out of Rs.56000/- as the money has been distributed. So much so he was forced to remain in college by seizing their original testimonials. On his insistence, the college agreed to return the testimonials but asked him to talk to admission consultant for money but the admission consultant remained evasive.
I, therefore, appeal you to order immediate verification of the identity, address proof and bank account of the members of the admission consultant to protect Bihari students falling prey to academic pimps. I also appeal you to ask the entire operating admission consultant in Patna, Bihar to be listed online with the district administration.
Copy to other honorable recipients concerned
Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma
Journalist (Daily Print Media)
Secretary (Journalists Union of Bihar)
Consultant (Online Multi-Complaint)
Director (Political Coaching Institute)
Activist (Bihar Right to Information Forum)
Activist (Bihar Human Rights Protection Foundation)
Social Reformer
R/o-Patrakar Sadan, Pahalwan Ghat, Patna, Bihar-800001 (India)
AADHAAR No-338811430082
CM, Bihar 13-2-15 Complaint Number-99999-1302150105

DARPG 13-2-15 Complaint Number-DARPG/E/2015/016702

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