Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Cash Deposit Machine Granted

The SBI, India & Department of Economic Affairs (Banking Division)

Date:-27 August 2013

Subject:-Regarding the installation of deposit machine at some of the busiest branches at Boring Canal Road and Boring Canal Road Crossing, Patna

You must agree that it is unfair to force your customer in such a busy life to wait for hours just to deposit money. It is also very embarrassing to speak and hear that even in such leading banks there is no importance of priceless time of the customers where the customers have had to wait inordinately longer for depositing money.
It is my earnest appeal to you to order the installation of cash deposit machine at least at the aforesaid mentioned branches.

Copy to other concerned recipients;

Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma
Secretary (Working Journalists Union of Bihar)
Journalist (Electronic and Print Media)
Coordinator (Online Multi-Complaint Center)
Activist (Bihar Right to Information Forum)

At:-112, English.com, 1st floor, Maa Bhagwati Complex,
Boring Road Crossing, Patna-800001

DARPG 27-8-13 Complaint Number- DEABD/E/2013/032108

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