Saturday, 31 January 2015

Communal Appearance of State

The Prime Minister, Hindustan
Date:-31 January 2015
Subject:-Regarding secular PM & communal federal heads in some states
Bihar seems to respects religions unequally for 2 decade. Muslim’re allowed to create noise via loudspeaker in Kotwali P.S, Patna. Pahalwan Ghat has temple & mosque together but admin has banned temple loudspeaker, mosque use loudspeaker animally round clock. Missionary school is allowed to gamble officially. Non-Hindu isn’t pressed to abide by even judicial order strictly. It’s an attempt to divide people & nation. Plz hit hard to ensure equality by apparent communal federal to repel criticism   
Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma
Journalist (Regional Daily Hindi News Paper)
Secretary (Journalists Union of Bihar)
Consultant (Online Multi-Complaint)
Director (Political Coaching Institute)
Activist (Bihar right to Information Forum)
Activist (Bihar Human Rights Protection Foundation)
Social Reformer
R/o-Patrakar Sadan, Pahalwan Ghat, Patna-800001
AADHAAR No-3388 1143 0082

DARPG 31-1-15 Complaint Number-DARPG/E/2015/01184

Friday, 30 January 2015

निजी कर्मचारी अधिकार आयोग

The Chief Minister, Bihar
The Chief Minister, Delhi
The Prime Minister, Hindustan

Date:-30 January 2014

Subject:-Regarding the creation of Employee Rights Commission & others

The number of private companies and offices are growing like mushrooms. We also know the poor job opportunity and access to government companies and offices. The imbalances among the growth of private companies & offices, government companies & offices and steep price rise of essentialities are forcing the people to join private companies and offices unconditionally. It may be reminded that the private companies hardly place any employee on pay-roll especially for many years and sometimes never. The extent of their exploitation is such that even the pre-independence British would be demoralized.
Every rights of an employee, human being especially female are violated on an hour-week, month and year-basis;
1.       No time limit for working hours
2.       No defined holidays
3.       No emergency leave
4.       No holidays leave
5.       No maternal and parental leave
6.       No basic amenities for employee
7.       No required infrastructure for employee
8.       No accidental or medical emergency leave
9.       No leave and incentive against overtime working
10.   No guarantee of job despite optimum performance etc.
There are various reasons behind the aforementioned exploitations but the problems are even harsher if there is no proof of being an employee of the company and offices.
The people mainly female are the most tragic victim of the inhumanity, immorality, and insensitivity of employer as they can’t raise complaints against the employer as male members. Male members can mobilize people to protest against the exploitation by employer, they can register complaint with the police and can approach court for justice but female naturally cannot do all those as men. The people especially female face problems in series from employer to police and court so they are mute bearer of the ordeal and keep subtracting financially, physically, efficiently, mentally, socially and above all humanly.
Whenever employee braces themselves to wage legal war against employers, they suffer the jolt of being unidentified with the employer resulting in actions futile.
The parameter of pay-roll to identify employee must be scrapped, instead, any kind of association to the company/office work, handling of files, dealing with any kind of transaction, being in office on regular basis on video/photo/mobile-record, interaction with customers on photo/video/mobile record etc. must replace pay-roll as the employee is thrown/disowned like a fly in milk.
The employee Rights Commission is required to be directly useful to employee as other justice delivering forum is heavily burdened with variety of responsibilities and has been able to give in before the justice seekers.
I, therefore, appeal you to order the liquidation of pay-roll as proof clearing the way for others as proof of an employee. I also request you to create an Employee/Professional Rights Commission ensuring the minimum rights with stability of job post employment and creation of flying squad to detect anomalies.
I specially request you to set up one anonymous off/online complaint centre to receive tip off about anomalies and gross violation of employee rights.
Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma
Journalist (Daily News Paper)
Secretary (Working Journalists Union of Bihar)
Coordinator (Online Multi-Complaint Center)
Activist (Bihar Right to Information Forum)
@ Patrakar Sadan,
Pahalwan Ghat, Patna-800001
CM, Bihar 30-1-14 Complaint Number:- 99999-3001140131
DARPG 30-1-14 Complaint Number- GNCTD/E/2014/006813
DARPG 30-1-14 Complaint Number- MOLBR/E/2014/008232
DARPG 30-1-15 Complaint Number-DARPG/E/2015/081160
CM, Bihar 30-1-15 Complaint Number-99999-3001150109

Death for sick but

Thursday, 29 January 2015

IPS & IAS Justice Accomplished

Pradhan Mantri, Hindustan
Date:-15 December 2014
Subject:-Regarding the consecutive victimization of IAS and IPS officers in Bihar
I’d written you via portal on 22-11-14 regarding action in brazen demotion of IPS officer Shivedeep Wamanrao Lande. Any action is awaited while the other IAS officer Kuldeep Narayan has been suspended for his honesty under the pretext of trivialities. An IAS officer, Durga Shakti Nagpal was ill-treated in UP for her honesty & the center immediately took up the matter to get her justice.
I, therefore, appeal you to do the least to rescue justice to IPS & IAS in Bihar.

Copy to other honorable recipients

Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma
Journalist (Daily Print Media)
Secretary (Journalists Union of Bihar)
Consultant (Online Multi-Complaint Center)
Activist (Bihar Right to Information Forum)
Activist (Bihar Human Rights Protection Foundation)
Social Reformer
R/o-Patrakaar Sadan, Pahalwan Ghat, Patna-800001

DARPG 15-12-14 Complaint Number- DARPG/E/2014/09524

Army demand during festival met

सेवा में,
माननीय राष्ट्रपति, भारत ।
माननीय प्रधानमंत्री, भारत ।
दिनांक:-04 अक्टूबर 2014
विषय:-दसहरा और छठ पर्व के दौरान सेना की प्रतिनियुक्ति सुनिश्चित करने के सम्बन्ध में ।
दुखिपुर्वक कहना चाहता हूँ कि बिहार के लोगों में धर्म के प्रति अंधी और निरक्षर आस्था है किन्तु बदलते समय के साथ राजनैतिक और आपराधिक तत्व उनकी अंधी और निरक्षर आस्था का अमानवीय तरीके से लगातार शोषण करना शुरू कर दिए हैं । इसका दो-दो उदहारण हमलोग देख चुके हैं, पहला वर्ष 2012 के छठ पूजा के दौरान और दूसरा दुर्गा पूजा 2014 के दौरान  ।
दोनों बार हमलोगों ने दोषियों का पता लगाने का ड्रामा किया लेकिन सब बेकार और निराधार, किसी ने आज तक इस बात की गारंटी नहीं ली कि अगली बार किसी लापरवाही के कारण इस प्रकार की घटना की पुनरावृति नहीं होगी और शायद कोई लेगा भी नहीं ।
अपराधियों में पुलिस का किसी प्रकार का डर नहीं रह गया है । ईमानदार और देशभक्त पुलिस अधिकारीयों के पास अधिकार नहीं है, वे कहीं न कहीं दबंग और पहुँच वालों के हाथों पिटाई खा रहे होते हैं तो कहीं उनके हाथों अपमानित हो रहे होते हैं और बचे हुए पुलिस वाले चाय, खैनी, और दो चार रूपये की घुस लेकर अपनी जिम्मेवारी और पुलिस की वर्दी को बेचकर अपना अस्तित्व बचाए हुए हैं । पुलिस को किसी के खिलाफ करवाई करने या खानापूर्ति करने के लिए चोरों, अपहरणकर्ताओं और धोखेबाजों की तरह अपराधियों को गिरफ्तार व अन्य करवाई करना पड़ता है । प्रारंभिक अपराध से लेकर शीर्ष अपराध तक की शिकायत लोग केवल पटना के वरीय पुलिस अधीक्षक से करते हैं जिसका आंशिक समाधान वरीय पुलिस अधीक्षक अपने स्तर से कर पाने में सफल हो पाते हैं अन्य शिकायतों को तो भगवान् ही सुनाने वाले हैं । पटना के वरीय पुलिस अधीक्षक कई बार प्रिंट मीडिया में नालायक अधिकारीयों के खिलाफ अपनी नाराजगी दर्ज करा चुके हैं लेकिन किसी को कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता है, उल्टे अपराधी वरीय पुलिस अधीक्षक की लाचारी को हथियार बनाकर पीड़ित को यह कहकर धमकाते हैं की कोई पुलिस वाला उनका कुछ नहीं बिगाड़ सकता है ।
उपर्युक्त लाचार और नालायक पुलिस वालों को पर्व-त्यौहार के दौरान हजारों और लाखों निर्दोष जानों की सुरक्षा-व्यवस्था में लगाया जाता है जिसका अपराधियों में तनिक भी खौफ नहीं होता है । उन पुलिस वालों के नज़रों के सामने अपराधीगण अपराध करके लोगों में तुरंत ये सन्देश देने में कामयाब रहते हैं कि पुलिस से न्याय और व्यवस्था की आशा करना अज्ञानता से ज्यादा कुछ और नहीं है ।
पुलिस दबाव व अन्य कारणों से अपनी विफलता और कर्तव्यहीनता को छुपाने के लिए अपराधियों और पीड़ित को आपस में लड़वाकर मामले को थाना से बाहर हीं नाजायज़ तरीके से रफा-दफा करने के लिए उकसाती है । अगर पीड़ित न्याय के लिए थाना में मोकदमा दर्ज कराना चाहता है तो पुलिस उसे दुसरे पक्ष का काल्पनिक व गंभीर शिकायत के आलोक में करवाई का हवाला देकर मुँह बंद करवा देती है ।    
प्रत्येक वर्ष पूजा के दौरान पुलिस-प्रशाशन पूजा आयोजकों के सामने गिरगिराता रहता है की आयोजक पूजा के लिए लाइसेंस ले लें, बिजली का वैध कनेक्शन ले लें वगैरह-वगैरह लेकिन लेकिन एक दो को छोड़कर कोई आयोजक लाइसेंस लेने नहीं आता है । हार-थक कर पुलिस प्रशासन को पूजा आयोजकों के दरवाज़े पर जाकर उनकी शर्तो पर लाइसेंस थमाया जाता है । पूजा आयोजक निर्भीक होकर सड़क और आम स्थल का बहुत बड़ा हिस्सा अतिक्रमण कर लेते हैं, अवैध बिजली कनेक्शन लेते हैं, सर्वोच्य न्यायालय के उस आदेश की सड़े-आम धज्जियाँ उड़ाते हैं जिसमें दस बजे रात से लेकर छह बजे सुबह तक लाउडस्पीकर बजाने की सख्त पाबन्दी है । श्रद्धालुगण कहते हैं की सर्वोच्च न्यालायाय पहले ये स्पष्ट करे कि यह आदेश हिन्दुओं के लिए है की मुसलमानों के लिए है क्योंकि मुसलमान लोग साल के 365 दिनों तक दस बजे रात से लेकर छह बजे सुबह तक लाउडस्पीकर का दुरूपयोग करते हैं और लोगों की नींद हराम करते हैं, रमजान के वक़्त तो रात भर लाउडस्पीकर का प्रयोग कर आम के साथ लाचार और बीमार लोगों की नींद हराम करते हैं । ये हाल अन्य जगहों को छोड़ पटना के सबसे संवेदनशील कोतवाली थाना का है जहाँ सरेआम बहुपयोगी थाना कैंपस में नमाज़ पढ़ा जाता है और न्यायिक आदेश के विपरीत लाउडस्पीकर का प्रयोग भी किया जाता है ।
मैं भी रावण बद्ध के दिन गाँधी मैदान में मौजूद था और इसकी समाप्ति के बाद बैंक रोड से वापस अपने कार्यालय  लौट रहा था । भीड़ इतनी थी कि मुझे पचीस मिनट तक सड़क के किनारे इंतज़ार करना पड़ा इस बीच हमने देखा कि दस आवारा लड़कों का श्रृंखला खचा-खच भीड़ की उल्टी दिशा में दहशतगर्दों की तरह धक्का देते हुए चले जा रहे थे, मुझे  वहीं पर किसी भगदड़ की आशंका थी पर मुझे वहां कोई पुलिस वाला नज़र नहीं आया । पंद्रह मिनट के बाद हमने पुलिस और विशेष पुलिस बल के जवानों को आनन्-फानन में ड्यूटी से भागते हुए देखा । मेरा पूर्ण विश्वास है की भीड़ के घर के पहुँचने से पहले भाड़ी संख्या में पुलिस वाले अपने घर पहुँच चुके होंगे ।
हमने वर्ष 2012 के छठ पूजा के दौरान भगदड़ के बाद शांतिपूर्ण पूजा आयोजन के लिए दर्ज़नों सुझाव दिए था  जिसमें से केवल 50% सुझावों को वर्ष 2013 के छठ पूजा के दौरान लागु किया गया था और किसी तरह पूजा शांतिपूर्ण तरीके से बीत पायी थी ।
आम चुनाव को महापर्व का दर्ज़ा देकर दूर-दराज़ के इलाकों में केन्द्रीय बालों की भाड़ी संख्या में तैनाती की जाती है लेकिन असली महापर्व में आम लोगों को भेंड़-बकरी की तरह मरने के लिए छोड़ दिया जाता है जो व्यवस्था द्वारा सबसे बड़ा और घृणित मानव शोषण है ।  
वर्तमान राजनैतिक, आपराधिक, पुलिस और प्रशासनिक परिस्थितियों को देखते हुए यह अनिवार्य प्रतीत होता है कि छठ पूजा और दुर्गा पूजा जैसे महा-आयोजन के दौरान सेना के जवानों को बड़े पैमाने पर तैनात किया जाए और उपद्रवी तत्वों और कुव्यवस्था पर सत-प्रतिशत लगाम लगाया जा सके और हादसा के बाद सहानुभूति व्यक्त करने जैसी आवश्यकता को समय रहते टाला जा सके ।
छठ पूजा और दुर्गा पूजा के दौरान न्यायिक और प्रशासनिक आदेशों के पालन हेतु आर्मी की तैनाती की आवश्यकता को नज़रअंदाज करने वाले अधिकारीयों से नियम अनुपालन और लापरवाही के कारण निर्दोष जानों की सुरक्षा की गारंटी का बांड भरवाने का आदेश दिया जाए ताकि निर्दोष जानों के मामलों में अधिकारीयों में गंभीरता दिखे ।
मेरी प्रार्थना है कि इस संवेदनशील विषय को राज्य और केंद्र सरकार की रेसलिंग रिंग में नहीं धकेल दिया जाए ।
प्रतिलिपि प्रेषित:-सभी माननीय प्राप्तकर्तागण ।
ह०/-प्रभाष चन्द्र शर्मा
पत्रकार (दैनिक हिंदी अखबार)
सचिव (जर्नलिस्ट्स एसोसिएशन ऑफ़ बिहार)
संयोजक (ऑनलाइन मल्टी-कंप्लेंट सेंटर)
कार्यकर्ता (बिहार राज्य सुचना का अधिकार मंच)
कार्यकर्ता (बिहार मानवाधिकार संरक्षण प्रतिष्ठान)
समाज सुधारक 
पता:-पत्रकार सदन, पहलवान घाट, पटना-1

CM, Bihar 4-10-14 Complaint Number- 99999-0410140108
DARPG 4-10-14 Complaint Number- DARPG/E/2014/067748

President 4-10-14 Complaint Number- PRSEC/E/2014/137886

144 Section replacement

The Law Minister, Govt. of India & Bihar

Date:-29 January 2015

Subject:-Regarding imposition of Section in place of Section 144 where construction or demolition is inevitable

Police across the nation practice secure graft by misusing section 144 after the demolition or construction of any structure, later, denying any remedial action referring title dispute & throwing ball into the court of SDO where justice is humiliated due to inordinate and unnecessary delay in disposal. Such malpractices promote the lawless wrestling between the conflicting parties leading to untoward incident & tragedy.
I, therefore, appeal you to order compulsory imposition of section which allows the construction to be demolished immediately by police and demolition to be erected immediately by police during the application of section 144. Such practice is bane on civilized & law-abiding parties and society.    

Copy to other honorable recipients concerned

Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma
Journalist (Daily Print Media)
Secretary (Journalists Union of Bihar)
Consultant (Online Multi Complaint)
Director (Political Coaching Institute)
Activist (Bihar Right to Information Forum)
Activist (Bihar Human Rights Protection Foundation)
Social Reformer
R/o-Patrakar Sadan, Pahalwan Ghat, Patna-80001,
AADHAAR No-3388 1143 0082
CM, Bihar 29-1-15 Complaint Number-99999-2901150107

DARPG 29-1-15 Complaint Number-DARPG/E/2015/01128

मेरी वर्षों पुरानी "चुनाव में धर्म पर प्रतिबन्ध" पर उच्चतम न्यायालय ने मुहर लगाई !

The Honorable Prime Minister, Hindustan (PMO 3-2-15 at 10:48)
The Honorable Minister, Home Affairs, India

Date:-29 January 2015 & 4-10-2015

Subject:-Regarding ban on the religious and casteist words viz Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Isai & women etc with development

US President alerted India against religious division which PM is already practicing needing your stimulus. Religious words reach nadir of misuse during election. I, therefore, appeal you and other capables to ban the words Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Isai, women, various castes etc during election and others & order the replacement of the same by economically, academically, technically, medically & genderly backward class to save our country from devastating division.
This would not only save our country from division on caste and religious lines, it would also make our country world a proven leader in secularism and equality and the divisive elements shall be flushed out from our country.

Copy to honorable Supreme Court, India

Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma
Journalist (Daily Print Media)
Executive Member (Journalists Union of Bihar)
Consultant (Online Multi-Complaint)
National Vice-President (Mahatma Buddha Vichar Dal)
Activist (Bihar Right to Information Forum)
Activist (Bihar Human Rights Protection Foundation)
Social Reformer
R/o-Patrakar Sadan, Pahalwan Ghat,
P.S-Buddha Colony, Patna-800001
AADHAAR No-338811430082
PMO 4-10-15 Complaint Number-PMOPG/E/2015/0119459

DARPG 4-10-15 Complaint Number-MINHA/E/2015/03023

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Acid attackers & black face

The Prime Minister, Hindustan
Date:-28 January 2015
Subject:-Regarding the formation of law necessitating black tanning injection on the face of acid attackers
One can easily feel the trauma of victim of acid attack but the legal provisions to punish acid attacker is insufficient. The victim physically suffers acid attack for some time but it gives mental pain lifetime with damaged face & other parts. So I appeal you to ensure black tanning injection on the face of acid attackers by supplementing the legal provisions to punish acid attackers.   
Copy to law ministry & others honorable concerned
Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma
Journalist (Daily Hindi News Paper)
Secretary (Journalists Union of Bihar)
Consultant (Online Multi-Complaint)
Director (Political Coaching Institute)
Activist (Bihar Right to Information Forum)
Activist (Bihar Human Rights Protection Foundation)
Social Reformer
R/o-Patrakar Sadan, Pahalwan Ghat, Patna-800001
AADHAAR No-3388 1143 0082
DARPG 28-1-15 Complaint Number-DARPG/E/2015/010372

Manhole between BJP Vs Others

The Minister,
Ministry of Urban Development, Govt. of India
Date:-28 January 2015
Subject:-Regarding year-long apathy to cover the damaged then open manhole
The higher ups in government and Patna Municipal Corporation express no rejection to the BJP linked welfare but the stand of lower dispensation in Patna Municipal Corporation is very clear that no BJP-linked welfare work shall be done on priority. The open manhole in the picture attached happens to be linked to the honorable Minister, DoT government of India and it is beside the residence of honorable minister in Nageshwar Colony, Patna so it is not drawing instant attention of the concerned.
I, therefore, appeal you to order hour-bond covering of the manhole used by all & sundry and not by honorable minister only.

Copy to other honorable recipients

I attach the picture of open manhole

Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma
Journalist (Daily Print Media)
Secretary (Journalists Union of Bihar)
Consultant (Online Multi-Complaint)
Director (Political Coaching Institute)
Activist (Bihar Right to Information Forum)
Activist (Bihar Human Rights Protection Foundation)
Social Reformer
R/o-Patrakar Sadan, Pahalwan Ghat, Patna-800001
AADHAAR No-338811430082
DARPG 28-1-15 Complaint Number-DOURD/E/2015/005170

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Female STF in college & institutes

The Chairperson,
National Commission for Women, India
Date:-27 October 2010
Subject: - Request to expedite the action in Arya’s case and formation of Special Task Force consisting girls form every college of the city.

Painfully I state that apprehension of Arya in her letter that perpetrators will use their influence to manipulate action against them has started coming true as the accused are at large despite our strong network of Police.
It is also known that the case in the court will weaken due to technicality and the witness turning hostile due to pressure and threat from the accused side.
The case can reach logical end only when a high power team monitor the trial of the case in and outside the court.
If one Special task Force would be formed consisting girls from various women’s colleges and private institutions, the witness in the case will surface and sustain the pressure and threat from the accused side. This will not only help Arya get justice but also save many other such girls heading the fate of Arya.
I, therefore, appeal you to be real feminist and act accordingly.

Prabhash Chandra Sharma @ Vikas Chandra
Co-ordinator, Patna police Ab Aapke Dwar
Co-ordinator, Mukhyamantri Ab Aapke Dwar
Activist, Bihar RTI Forum., 1st floor,
Maa Bhagwati Complex, Boring Road Ccossing,
P.S-Sri Krishna Puri, Distt-Patna, Bihar.
Address of “Arya” @ Raza
D/o Arvind Kumar
Flat No.408, Laxmi apartment,
P.S-Hanuman Nagar, Patna, Bihar.

NCW 27/10/10 Reg No.C0505781 and a Password  37334
President 27/10/10 Registration Number is : PRSEC/E/2010/166890
Minister of Women and Child Development, govt. of India 27/10/10 Registration Number is : DOWCD/E/2010/090054.
Minister of Home Affairs Registration Number is: MINHA/E/2010/008928

Chief Minister, Bihar Complaint Number-99999-2710100100

Missionary assets is public

Sri Narendra Modi
The Prime Minister, India
Date:-21 May 2013
Subject:-Regarding inclusion of Missionaries under RTI by stripping all privileges

The hopes had reached almost death that missionaries would treat the citizens of our country as Indian. The missionaries call the shots in Indian administration. They do not disclose the in/out flow of the currency between India and other countries. Their nefarious activities coincidentally come into light when disastrous incidents happen viz terrorist activities, religious conversion, sex racket, extortion of money on the name of better education, healthcare and other so called social work. Even the administration rues being henpecked of unreasonable privileges. The RTI was supposed to expose them but they were given shields against RTI by power, popularity and wealth-licking politicians.
I, therefore, appeal you to order the formation a short time-bond committee to scan loopholes, the missionaries enjoy taking shameless advantages of.

Copy to all honorable recipients concerned;

Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma
Secretary (Working Journalists Union of Bihar)
Journalist (Daily Print Media)
Coordinator (Online Multi-Complaint Center)
Activist (Bihar Right to Information Forum)
At:-Patrakar Sadan, Pahalwan Ghat,
P.S-Buddha Colony, Patna,
Bihar-800001 (India)

DARPG 16-5-14 Complaint Number- MOMAF/E/2014/0017
PMO 16-5-14
CM, Bihar 16-5-14 Complaint Number- 99999-1605140105
President 16-5-14 Complaint Number-PRSEC/E/2014/087412

Rashtriya Swyam Sewak Sangh on 28-5-14 via

Scientific Investigation & Result

BHARTIYA CHETNA                                               President
(Sense of the nation)                                                               Prabhash Chandra Sharma
1st floor, Maa Bhagwati Complex,
Boring Road Crossing, Patna-800001
Bihar (India) Mobile No-09334687891
                                                                                                            Date:-13 Dec 2011
Janlokpal / Lokpal etc.
All National & Regional electronic& Print Media

It is shocking to learn that country is talking about Janlokpal, Lokpal and strong Lokpal which is damn sure to keep the situation more or less the same. Nobody is talking about the way justice can be delivered. It is somewhat hysterical that people are parroting merely words “Lokpal/Janlokpal. Pick any ordinary person and ask if he gets justice or confident of getting justice, he will simply say No and if asked why, he will simply say law is not delivering because investigation is manipulated by senior, colleague, relatives and selectors and above all money. Why the idea of scientific investigation is not flashing any one’s mind? We have plethora of laws.

The thing we urgently need is an Act to allow and encourage scientific investigation involving “Narco Test, Lie Detecting Test and Polygraphic Test etc. This would not only help deliver fair justice, but also reduce the so called need of so many Acts.

It is requested to all the concerned to fight for Scientific Investigation Bill/Act (SIA). This would put our nation into a gear of sustained prosperity.

Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma

Whatsapp police

The Directors General of Police/Commissioners of Police, India
Date:-21 February 2014

Subject:-Regarding creation of video call on the pattern of dial 100 of Police.
The people have become negatively immuned against laws, humanity, morality and sociality. The people are committing multiple crimes broad day light. Such can be routinely seen at public and crowded places. People do report the incident to the police instantly but suffer skilled harassment by police for being so law-abiding and alert. The people report the police some gruesome incident that last only few minutes leaving no or little proof or evidence for police to act on information thus the informer succumb to hounding and harassment by police.
Dial 100 video call on the pattern of existing voice call Dial 100 of police would help the police act time-bound and successfully. The launch of such number would dramatically minimize the brazen crime as establishments, onlookers and passersby also try to stop the crime fearing their interrogation in future. When people become witness of some gruesome incident and reserve themselves, the same would expose the dark-side of the people (innocent common man) assigning job and responsibility of all public, government and police thus saving the government and police from national/international humiliation. Dial 100 video call to police would show desired result as the major chunk of people are using multimedia-3G phone.
This would also control the most complicated land-issue where construction is done with the generosity of dishonest police officers leading to grade-C to grade-A crime by strongman and wealthy people yet the police keep using the phrase LAND-DISPUTE despite the intervention of even the head of the states and the nation.
I, therefore, appeal you to order the launch of Dial 100 video call on large scale.

Copy to all honorable recipients concerned;
Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma
Journalist (Print Media, Daily)
Secretary (Working Journalists Union of Bihar)
Coordinator (Online Multi-Complaint Center)
Activist (Bihar Right to Information Forum)
@ 1st Floor, Maa Bhagwati Complex,
Boring Road Crossing, Patna-800001
Patna, Bihar-800001 (India)

CM, Bihar 21-2-14 BPGRS Complaint Number- 99999-2102140103
DARPG 21-2-14 Complaint Number- DARPG/E/2014/01052
Reminder on 5-8-14
CM, Bihar 5-8-14 BPGRS Complaint Number- 99999-0508140106

, Patna on 08-10-2014

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Fundamental Rights Commission

The Prime Minister, Hindustan

Date:-21 January 2015

Subject:-Regarding the creation of FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS COMMISSION for the Indians to understand fundamental rights then human rights

It is well admitted that the people who are educated and live in VVIP area or city enjoy human rights to maximum extent but the people who are not educated and live in non-VVIP area or city do not enjoy even basic fundamental rights. There are hundred examples where people run from pillar to post to get even little relief from ongoing trauma and ordeal let alone minimum justice as a victim of gang-rape, molestation, murderous attacks, chopping of limbs, acid-attack, massacre, blinding, public abuse, thrashing, dislodging from house, caste and communal biasing and many such offences.
The creation of FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS COMMISSION would mean a lot to uneducated and non-VVIPs as they would understand and try to exercise fundamental rights. The absence of fundamental sense among the mass does not only force them to live a miserable and inhuman life but such life also spreads and badly affects educated and VVIPs.
Since long it has been the endeavor of almost all the government exclusively Bihar, Delhi and Central government to mainstream the uneducated and non-VVIPs as it is understood to be contagious in a civil society. Many programs are understood to be aimed at awakening the people of their various rights, so this commission would serve the purpose directly.
I, therefore, appeal you to order the creation of FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS COMMISSION to guard various value and moral in society.

Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma
Journalist (Daily News Paper)
Secretary (Working Journalists Union of Bihar)
Coordinator (Online Multi-Complaint Center)
Activist (Bihar Right to Information Forum)
“Patrakar Sadan”
Pahalwan Ghat, Patna-800001
DARPG 26-1-14 Complaint Number- DARPG/E/2014/06527
DARPG 21-1-15 Complaint Number-DARPG/E/2015/008820

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Rapid Enforcement Force for Judiciary

The Prime Minister, Hindustan
Date:-20 January 2015
Subject: - Regarding the formation Rapid Enforcement Force to ensure SC order for public.
It is publicly seen that even the SC order isn’t enforced which is a humiliation to the honorable institution in public. The administration under pressure fails to continuously enforce & monitor the SC order citing some lame excuses which is another embarrassment to the nation. One such order is “No or limited use of loudspeaker which is violated broad day. So I appeal you to order the formation of one “Rapid Enforcement Force” consisting army to respond quickly to such complaints by public.   
Copy to Honorable Chief Justice, India

Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma
Journalist (Daily Print Media)
Secretary (Journalists Union of Bihar)
Consultant (Online Multi Complaint)
Director (Political Coaching Institute)
Activist (Bihar Right to Information Forum)
Activist (Bihar Human Rights Protection Foundation)
Social Reformer
R/o-Patrakar Sadan, Pahalwan Ghat, Patna-80001,
Bihar, India (Taliban)
AADHAAR No-3388 1143 0082

DARPG 20-1-15 Complaint Number-MINHA/E/2015/001769