Sunday, 11 January 2015

मुफ्त चिकित्सा की मेरी मांग का दायरा बढ़ा !

The Chief Minister, Bihar
The prime Minister, India

Date:-31 July 2013 & 15-1-14

Subject:-Last two Acts (Right to Professional Education and Right to expensive Treatment) needed to make India a developed and superpower country

Needless to say that the corruption has created extremism, terrorism and above all anti-nationalism those are retarding the progress of our country. The corruption can only be removed through the promotion of honesty and nationalism which is not possible without the guarantee of Right to food, Right to Professional Education and Right to expensive Treatment. The people don't become corrupt for ensuring two time meal; they become corrupt just to make money to ensure technical/professional education for their children and ensure the availability of money for unexpected medical emergency. When theses two laws are made then the people shall not become corrupt and anti-nationalists.

The Central government has already ensured one (Right to food) of the three pillars; Right to food, Right to Technical/Professional Education and Right to expensive Treatment needed for the guaranteed development and superiority of the nation in the world.

I, therefore, appeal you both to remain a visionary and enact two laws Right to Technical/Professional Education and Right to expensive Treatment to make our country a developed and superpower.

Copy to The President, India and others concerned

Sd/-Prabhash Chandra Sharma
Activist (Janta Dal United)
Journalist (Electronic & Print Media)
Secretary (Working Journalists Union of Bihar)
Coordinator (Online Multi-Complaint Center)
Activist (Bihar Right ti Information Forum)

R/o-Duzra, Pahalwan Ghat, North of Duzra Masjid,
P.S-Buddha Colony, Patna-800001

CM, Bihar 31-7-13 Complaint Number- 99999-3107130122
President, India 31-7-13 Complaint Number- PRSEC/E/2013/117998
Prime Minister, India
DARPG 31-7-13 Complaint Number- DEPOJ/E/2013/008644
DARPG 15-1-14 Complaint Number:- DARPG/E/2014/080255

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